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We're an inclusive, welcoming, and affirming congregation embracing the call of the teacher Jesus to seek God’s realm.


All are invited to worship with us on Sunday mornings at 10 a.m.

We are rooted in Baptist life and nourished by many Christian traditions. Our affiliations include:

  • the Rochester Genesee Region of the American Baptist Churches USA

  • the Alliance of Baptists

  • the Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists

  • the Baptist Peace Fellowship/Bautistas por la Paz 

We work together to bring peace and justice to our world.

We gather to worship and praise God; to build an authentic community of harmony, joy, and celebration; and to pray and care for one another.


We acknowledge with respect the various Native peoples on whose ancestral lands we worship. We encourage every member of our community to learn about the original inhabitants of this land. We are committed to cultivating meaningful relationships with Indigenous communities in our region and supporting their efforts to fight systemic racism that continues to harm them. We pledge to listen to and honor them as they speak about their experiences regarding oppression and cultural genocide. They are the authorities on their own history and our role in that history. To acknowledge this land is to recognize and respect that the air, water, land, and all that inhabits them are intertwined with the spirituality of these people. 


It’s clear where we stand on LGBTQ+ lives and women’s leadership.

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